Wednesday 7 December 2011


If you are the person seeking for offbeat choice of entertainment added with the flavors thrills, nature, beauty, spicy recipes and also the unique peace of mind by visits to certain holly places then the right choice will be to visit the interiors of “konkan”.
Due to very special geographical conditions and unavailability of easy transport facilities, many of the beautiful places in konkan remained untouched and unpopular.
Now the situation are changing transport is becoming easier and so you can select konkan as your choice for ultimate weekend.

Long and safe beaches without pollution, ample choice in fish recipes such as crabs, prawns, etc cooked in local special spices and many more,
Leaving in simple and traditional guest houses and farm welcome from local people will add flavor to your pleasure and just make your trip memorable.
Murud, kashid, tarkarli, guhagar and many more virgin beaches with newly added  and developed facilities like snorkeling, banana ides, dolphin shows are waiting for you.

So come and enjoy the coastal Maharashtra i.e. “ADBHUT KONKAN”.